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From Moose, to my favorite maid; Pisyu <3

Hello Pisyu it's me Moose-chan u3u

Your biggest international fan from UAE ! ^-^

I hope you can read this message from me

Thank you for making my trip one of the best time in my life! :D

I had so much fun the last day and happy to see your 100 day anniversary ^o^ Pisyu is so cool and lovely !
But I wish I got you a cake or a gift I'm sorry I didn't know T-T I was so sad leaving that day :(

I had so much fun in japan and specially in maidreamin with you <3

There were so many things I wanted to say but I cannot because I cannot speak Japanese :c so I will do my best to learn so I can speak with you next time (*o*)/

I will try to read your blogs for now and stay updated with you <(O-O)\

I have reached back home in UAE, Abu Dhabi after a long 12 hour flight (\ -_-)\

I am very sad for leaving japan :( I will miss Pisyu-chan T-T I will not see you for a long time </3 (> ;_;)>

I wish I visit maidreamin more and seen Pisyu more before leaving

I was very happy to meet you and hope to meet you again when I am back in japan (^_~)-* I can't wait until next time !
I will visit more next time I come to Japan \(^o^)/

I wish you all the happiness and all the fun and lovely time in the world <3

Please take care of yourself (> ^-^)>

Moose and Pisyu - Delicious Sweets :3

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